
Hey, my name is KoKo, and if you order something from the web, I am the one who will ship it to you. I have been interested in all aspects of sex for all of my adult years and most of my teenage years. I got in trouble in high school for handing out condoms and information to classmates since my school had an abstinence only program. I spent my 18th birthday going to every toy store in my hometown. I have always tried to read as much about human sexuality and toys as I can get my eyes on.
When I discovered the Traveling Tickle Trunk, I would come in and chat with Brenda, and we would discuss all the latest sex news. I knew from the get go that TTT was a store that I could trust and that was run by a woman I could respect. When Brenda asked me to be a part of the team in January 2011, I jumped at the chance! I knew this would be a great place to share the information I have collected. Being able to assist customers in the store really is a wonderful part of my job. From people choosing their first toy, to old pros looking for something different, I love to help in any way I can. Health and honest, factual information are some of my passions.
I am usually in the store Tuesday to Saturday from 1:00 pm–8:00 pm.