

Throwback Thursday - Goat Eyelid Cock Rings

Throwback Thursday - Goat Eyelid Cock Rings

Sometimes my job leads me to web searches that reveal things I kind of wish I didn't know.  That happened today when I was looking for old sex toys to feature for our Throwback Thursday series.

I discovered that in ancient China, around the year 1200, the dried eyelids of goats were used as cock rings.  What I further discovered is that you can still buy goat eyelid cockrings today.

If you are like me, you will have the following questions:

1.  What? 

2.  How?

3.  Why?

4.  What????  I mean really, what????

So to answer these questions, yes, apparently this was, and is, a thing.  I am not making this up.  If you are confused, as I was, I will clarify.  It is actually the very front of the eyelid which forms the ring - I'm not at all sure how they cut this off the goat and I don't want to know.  In most cases, the eyelashes are left on to provide extra stimulation.  Here is a picture, so we're all clear what I'm talking about.

Why?  Because cock rings are fun and they create all kinds of cool sensations and make erections harder.  And because in the year 1200, they didn't have silicone rubber.  Also, so I've read, the wearer is meant to soften the ring in warm water before applying and as it dries, it gets tighter.

What gets me is that in 2019, when we have silicone rubber and all kinds of other options, apparently people still make and sell goat eye cock rings.  Perhaps that's because silicone won't do that fancy tighten as it dries thing.  The Amazon stores appear to be all sold out but you can buy one on this site from India.  They are on sale  right now for 300 Rupee - which is about $5.60 CAD (I checked).  I have no idea what it costs to ship a goat eyelid cock ring from India to Canada.

