The Tickle Trunk Turns 10! - Giveaway Package Number 2 - BMS Factory

OMG what is there not to say about BMS factory? We love, love, love them because they are leaders in sex toy technology, creating some of the most innovative, user friendly, teach progressive toys on the market. PLUS, they are Canadian.
I first came to know BMS factory as a distributor for other companies. When I went to my first Erofame show in, Germany, in 2011, I met their lead designer, Steve. I discovered that he is actually responsible for creating the Swan line and the technology behind it. At the time Swan was being sold exclusively in North America by California Exotics under another name. I knew that CalExotics doesn't design their own toys, but I had no idea that a Canadian at BMS factory did.
Steve created the one button escalated speed technology that is now used in their own palm power toys and several other lines. Since I met him 8 years ago, he has created a host of other toy technologies and BMS has launched several lines that are just their own. One of the latest we love is the smallest, most user friendly rechargeable bullet we've ever seen. When they showed us this toy in the summer, we were so excited we kept checking with them and badgering them about when it would be available. We've had it for only two months and it's on its way to being a best seller for us - much like the mini swan wand, which is a favourite of both staff and customers and has been on our top ten list for 2 years.
This summer, I got to visit the BMS team in Toronto and check out all the new toys they've got in development. They've teamed up with an Chinese engineer who walked us through this wonderful world of toy tech. There's some pretty cool things on the horizon!
Our prize pack from BMS factory is pretty phenomenal. It includes a rechargeable swan toy, the Solo, which features the touch pad technology that BMS developed, a Wonder Lust Harmony dual rechargeable vibrator, and the Essential Rechargeable bullet. All together, these toys are worth $312.
You can enter to win them by dropping into the store any time between now and February 2. On each visit, you'll get one entry and you'll get to pick the prize you want to enter to win.