

Send Us Your Smut - Social Distance.....

Send Us Your Smut - Social Distance.....

This story by Erika is perfect for these times when may of us are in isolation - hopefully with someone we enjoy - but for those of us who are alone - there's always erotica!  Thanks for the story Erika!


It is day 12 of self-isolation and we are beginning to forget that a whole other world exists outside of our cozy little home. My partner and I typically get along well, just the two of us, happy in our own reality. We’ve been together for almost a decade and there is no one else I would rather be quarantined with, although I do miss interacting with people from the outside world. Especially these past couple days I have been wishing that I could return to my job as a waitress. I don’t particularly miss the work of carrying plates or dealing with demanding customers, but I love my job for the chance to harmlessly charm and flirt with the men that patronize the establishment.  I am quite charismatic and cute and have always loved the feeling of putting on a show and being lusted after.

Missing this feeling from my work, I decide to replicate it by teasing my boyfriend as he is making our morning cup of coffee. I hug him from behind as he pours the freshly boiled water into the French press. His strong yet soft bare back presses against my breasts that are momentarily covered by the black silky pajama set I bought online to keep me feeling sexy during isolation.  I know he loves me in black. He hums his enjoyment of the embrace and I lean to whisper in his ear, “breakfast can wait, I want you to fuck me on the kitchen counter.” My boyfriend turns around smiling and saying, “Oh yeah?” “Yeah” I reply moving in to passionately kiss him. Our hands are exploring each other’s bodies, his touch is strong yet tender overtop my new silky camisole as he grips my breasts. My hands move down his back to his butt which I start to grab and massage overtop his flannel pajama bottoms which remain on for now. My boyfriend focuses his attention on my nipples, knowing that a tight pinch really turns me on. As he is doing this I feel the familiar growing hardness beneath his pants and press his body firmly against mine.


While we are caught up in our morning make-out I notice movement outside of the kitchen window in the house next door. Typically my partner is super diligent about closing our curtains when we fuck to maintain our privacy but I must have him so engrossed that it slipped his mind today. I think to myself that the movement must have just been our neighbor walking around and I move my face to kiss my boyfriend’s neck as he slips his hand down below my waist to rub my wet vulva overtop my black shorts. My hand follows suit and moves to rub his hard shaft through his pajamas. I catch myself getting further turned on by the thought of our neighbor watching us, I have always thought he is hot and when I am showering I secretly hope he catches the outline of my body through the frosted window and massage my breasts with soap for an extra few seconds, just in case he is watching.


As my boyfriend slips my top over my head I catch a second glimpse of our neighbor in the window, almost as if my thoughts manifested his appearance. This time I am certain he is not walking to grab something in that room in his house, I am certain that we are the reason he is here. I pull down my boyfriend’s pants and his enlarged cock springs up as I move my mouth down his body to meet it. He has always told me that I give him the most amazing blowjobs and I am excited by the thought of showing off this talent to someone else. I softly take the head of his penis into my mouth and my boyfriend moans in delight. I like to start off slow and seductive, teasing him by making lots of eye contact before I begin to move faster and deeper. I can’t see much from here but I can feel our neighbor’s eyes continuously on us. After a few minutes of this, my boyfriend grabs my shoulders and exclaims, “I have to stop you before you make me cum”, and he lifts my up from my knees and onto the cold kitchen counter where he slides my silky bottoms down my legs and to the floor. He enters my wet vagina, a feeling I have been longing for since earlier this morning and we both groan with pleasure as he thrusts deeper. From here I notice that our neighbor is still watching us, he smiles at me and I love the feeling of his attention on me. My boyfriend moves his practiced hand to rub my excited clitoris and his cock continues to move inside of me. After a couple more minutes I feel his dick further tensing and I feel an orgasm building inside of me. I look to make eye contact with the guy next door and as I do, my partner and I cum at the same time, my back arching, my vagina and his cock pulsing. We both moan loudly in ecstasy and enjoyment. His penis slips out of me and we both catch our breath and lovingly embrace.

When I look up, I can no longer see our neighbor, I wonder if my boyfriend saw him too. We will have a lot of time to debrief during our next few days of isolation and although I loved the attention from our hot neighbor, I am glad I won’t have to be face-to-face with him for a while – thank you, social distancing!



