Catholic School Board Wants Porn Off Your TV

I just ran across this in my newsfeed.
I had to double-check the article to be sure this wasn't some sort of parody or perhaps, real, but from 1986. No, it's real and it's dated from yesterday.
I can't even with this. It is just so messed up and wrong-headed, even for the Catholic School Board, I can't believe they would do this.
First of all, do the major TV providers even offer adult channels anymore? I suppose I'm vaguely aware that the PlayBoy channel stills exists. I'm sure there are other ones. There can't be a whole lot of them and I doubt that many people subscribe to them or watch them. Everybody gets their porn online now. Why in the world would you bother with a TV channel? So sure, it's out there, but is it a big problem? I really don't think so.
Then there's the issue of freedom of choice. Just because you don't like it, does that give you the right to deny everyone else access to it? What if I am a single person who never ever ever has any children in my house ever. Am I not allowed to watch porn in the privacy of my own house if I feel like it? And what if I do have children in my house and I restrict access to the TV and I talk to them about the fact that the porn channel exist and why I don't think it's appropriate for them? They would say that's not okay either. What if I truly don't believe that the porn on TV channels hurts me or anyone else (and there is very little credible evidence to indicate that it does)? Regardless of all these possibilities, these trustees think that because they believe porn is dangerous and damaging (even though there's no evidence to prove that it is) no one should be able to watch it.
Doing this is going to have very little effect anyway. All kids these days know that if you want porn, you to the computer, not the TV. Any porn you're going to find on TV channels is pretty soft anyway. Have you ever watched the PlayBoy channel? I think you're hard-pressed to even call that porn.
I don't understand why they think they have the right or the mandate to mess with people's personal, private lives anyway. They are supposed to be offering services to children in school. Yes, of course, teachers and schools give guidance to parents on how to help their kids with many things, but they really all do, or at least should, relate directly to their education. This is just flat out moralizing and they have no business going there.
Perhaps they should refocus their attention on what goes on in their own schools. I don't know, maybe they could work on their safe and caring schools and diversity and inclusion policies. That's going to do a lot more to help kids socially and to make them safe, than worrying what they might be learning about sex in their own homes.