Negotiation 101 - Sunday, February 16 at 6:30pm

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Negotiation 101 - Sunday, February 16 at 6:30pm

Wanna Make a Salad?

Negotiation SALAD that is!

In this class we will discuss how you and your partner(s) can work together to ask for what you want, discover what your partner(s) want, decline the things that aren’t wanted, and suggest alternatives. Then we will break into pairs or groups and have some fun putting what we've learned into practice negotiating the perfect euphemistic salad!

Don't have a partner to bring?  Don't worry, you can still practice these important skills with our facilitator and others in the workshop.

Date: Sunday, February 16 

Location:  The Tickle Trunk - 9923 82 Avenue

Time:  6:30pm  (approx 2 hour duration

Please note:  pre-registration is required as classes do fill up quickly.  Registration fee is $25 per person or $40 for two people registering together.